A ViZ-ON of Life study: Shitting your pants

Tom cancel tonight's show I've shit me pants

Case 1 Unidentified early thirty's male.

Left for work as usually, described the feeling a bit like giving birth but without the aid of three nurses, gas & air, and all the paraphernalia that goes with a modern conception. Thought he could make it to the works toilet before the little brown bastard came out. Failed just yards from factory entrance and shit his pants. Did what can only be described as weird U-turn in works car park and disappeared in front of fellow workers, arriving at the same time.

Half an later returned to work and confessed to male friend that he was on his way to work but shit himself in the car park.

That Ace lager made me shit me pants

Case 2 Unidentified early forty's male.

Driving home from watching a football match with mates, middle aged fat bloke suddenly became overcome with the urge to do unplanned log. Decided to call in at McDonalds and rid himself of the turtles head smashing in, his back doors. Again failed to reach the ablutions drop off point and shit his pants while stuck in traffic. Managed to place magazine under his arse to prevent catastrophic 'Brown china syndrome' or arse melt down. Opened sun roof and windows on the request of fellow passengers who were suffering from kack pipe fall out.         

Case 3 Unidentified early thirty's male.

In the canteen at work bragging about the lovely lasagne his wife had made. Half through his meal, suddenly realized he had a mole at the counter. Shit himself and dashed from canteen with the 'Women's Own' stuck to his Gary Glitter . Never used canteen again.

Case 4 Unidentified mid forty's male.

At work with mates playing some sort of farting game but followed through( technical term spleamer) - big time. Asked Supervisor for permission to go home because he had had an accident. The supervisor requested him to fill 'accident book' in and he embarrassingly had to explain the nature of accident.    


Ernie if you grass to anyone about me
shittin me pants, you're dead meat