

Boston Women's Health Book Collective, British edition by Angela Phillips and Jill Rakusen Our Bodies, Ourselves; Penguin Books

John Braithwaite Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry; Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984

British National Formulary no 26 (Sep 1993); British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

Jan Clark Hysterectomy and the Alternatives; Virago, 1993

Andrew Chetley A Healthy Business? World Health and the Pharmaceutical Industry; Zed Books Ltd, 1990

Dr J Collier The Health Conspiracy: How Doctors, the Drug Industry and the Government Undermine Our Health; Century, 1989

Anne Dally Women Under the Knife

Ehrenreich & English For Her Own Good: 100 years of the Experts Advice to Women; Pluto Press, 1979

Carolyn Faulder Whose Body Is It: The Troubling Issue of Informed Consent; Virago, 1985

Stephen Fulder How to Survive Medical Treatment; Century Hutchinson, London, 1987

Robert Gann The Healthcare Consumers Guide; Faber & Faber, 1991

Jonathon Gathorne-Hardy Doctors; Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984

W Gifford Jones What Every Woman Should Know About Hysterectomy;

Herbert A Goldfarb and Judith Greif The No-Hysterectomy Option: Your Body, Your Choice; John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992

Donald Gould The Medical Mafia; Sphere Books Ltd, 1985

Ellen Grant The Bitter Pill; Corgi, 1986

Michelle Harrison MD A Woman in Residence; Random House, New York, 1982

Suzie Hayman Hysterectomy, What it is and how to cope with it successfully; Sheldon Press, 1986

Nikki Henriques & Ann Dickson Hysterectomy - The Positive Recovery Plan; Thorsons, 1989

Vikki Hufnagel No More Hysterectomies; Thorsons, 1990

Inequalities in Health: The Black Report and The Health Divide; Penguin, 1992

B Inglis The Diseases of Civilisation; Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1981

Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia Thirtieth Edition; The Pharmaceutical Press, 1993

Kathleen McDonnell, editor, Adverse Effects: Women and the Pharmaceutical Industry; Women's Educational Press/ International Organization for Consumer Unions; 1986

Arabella Melville Natural Hormone Health; Thorsons, 1990

Robert Mendelsohn MALePRACTICE: How Doctors Manipulate Women;
Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1981

Marcia Millman The Unkindest Cut: Life in the backrooms of Medicine; William Morrow, 1977

Morton Mintz By Prescription Only; Houghton-Miflin, 1975

Terry Mizrahi Getting Rid Of Patients: Contradictions in the Socialization of Physicians; Rutges University Press, 1986

Rina Nissim Natural Healing in Gynaecology; Pandora, 1987

Anne Oakley The Captured Womb: A History of the Medical Care of Pregnant Women; Basil Blackwell, 1984

Linda Ojeda Menopause Without Medicine: How to cope with "the change"; Thorsons, 1990

Lynn Payer Medicine & Culture: Notions of Health and Sickness; Victor Gollancz, 1990

Dr Gillian Rice Understanding Doctors; Michael Joseph, 1990

William Ryan Blaming the Victim; Orbac & Chambers, 1971

Robert G Schneider, M.D. When To Say No To Surgery; Prentice-Hall, 1982

Hilda Scott Working Your Way to the Bottom: The Feminization of Poverty; Pandora, 1984

Diana Scully Men Who Control Women's Health: The Miseducation of Obstetrician-Gynecologists; Houghton Miflin, Boston, 1980

Felicity Smart with Professor Stuart Campbell Fibroids; Thorsons, 1993

Naomi Miller Stokes The Castrated Woman: What Your Doctor Wont Tell you About Hysterectomy; Franklin Watts, New York, 1986

Ann Webb Experiences Of Hysterectomy; McDonald Optima

Martin Weitz Health Shock: A Guide to Ineffective and Hazardous Medical Treatment; David and Charles, 1980

Patsy Westcott Hormone Replacement Therapy: Making Your Own Decision; Thorsons, 1993

World Health Organization Having a Baby in Europe; Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1986

Dr Robin A J Youngson Operation! A handbook for surgical patients; David & Charles, 1991

Martin Weitz Health Shock A Guide to Ineffective and Hazardous Medical Treatment; David & Charles


Action for Victims of Medical Accidents
Bank Chambers, 1 London Road, Forest Hill, London SE23 3TP
Tel: 081-291-2793

Campaign against Hysterectomy and Unnecessary Operations on Women
PO Box 300, Woking, Surrey, GU22 0YE
Tel: 01483-715435

Foundation for Women's Health Research & Development (FORWARD)
Africa Centre, 38 King Street, Covent Garden, London WC2 8JT
Tel: 071-379-6889
Charity campaigning against female genital mutilation.

Health Action International
The HAI Clearinghouse
IOCU, PO Box 1045, 10830 Penang, Malaysia
HAI News includes information on health policies and drugs, and reports of conferences and seminars.

Hysterectomy Support Network
3 Lynne Close, Green Street Green, Orpington, Kent BR6 6BS
Produce a leaflet and a telephone contacts list.

Medical Advisory Service
10 Barley Mow Passage, London, W4 4PH
Published a leaflet "Talking to your Doctor".

National Women's Health Network
Women's Health Information Service
514 10th Street, N.W., Ste.400, Washington, D.C. 20004, U.S.A.
Provide information packets on women's health topics.

Radiotherapy Action Group Exposure
24 Locket Gardens, Trinity, Salford, Manchester, M3 6BJ
Tel: 061-839-2927

Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy
2nd Floor, New Guy's House, Guy's Hospital, St Thomas Street, London SE1 9RT
Keeps a list of hospitals where minimally invasive surgery is used.

What Doctors Don't Tell You
4 Wallace Road, London N1 2PG
Tel: 071-354-8907
Produces monthly newsletters, handbooks and guides. Annual subscription (1994) ?29.95.

Women's Endoscopic Laser Foundation
South Cleveland Hospital, Middlesborough, Cleveland
Tel: 0642-820070
May arrange minimally invasive (laparoscopic) female surgery.

Women's Health
52 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT
Tel: 071-251-6580
Provide leaflets and broadsheets on aspects of women's health.