Chapter Twenty
Sara Mann

“I’ll get another round in” said Brian, an idea that was met with general approval. Dumbledalf’s expression remained worried.
“What is it Merlin, old bean?” said Hagrigorn, “Have you heard something disturbing?”
“Curious at least”, he replied, looking at Theodore. “It seems that dear Sara Mann has had a narrow escape. You know she has sympathies with Vol-au-vent?”
“What?”, sang Hagrigorn and Enid in perfect harmony.
“I thought she was a sensible type!”, said Hagrigorn.
“So did I”, returned Dumbledalf, “and so she is, usually. We’ll have to go and see her I suppose. Come on.”. He went off to call a taxi, and within half an hour, they were pulling up outside Sara Mann’s house. They looked aghast at what was left of it. A tree had fallen on the roof, causing considerable damage, including a burst water pipe if the flooding was any guide. Some workmen were clearing branches, and the searing noise of chainsaws interrupted thought and speech.

“Come to gloat have you?” came a tearful voice from the door.
“Certainly not my dear Sara”, Dumbledalf replied. “We came because we heard you were in trouble”.
“Well I am”, she replied sullenly, and she came up to him, grabbed his arm affectionately, and whispered something in his ear. Amidst the hubbub, there came the obtrusive metallic bleep of a cell phone, and Sara Mann rummaged in her handbag for it. The blood drained from Dumbledalf’s face, and he made a quick lunge for the phone.
“I’ll take that my lad!”, he said, and began checking the Call Register.
“Lad?”, retorted Sara.
After a few moments, Dumbledalf’s face became pale. He replaced the phone in an inside pocket, looking concerned.
“A telephone!”, he exclaimed. “How could I have made such a blunder?”

He looked at Sara Mann, who was looking rather sheepish, “So that’s how Vol-au-vent managed to persuade you”, he muttered.
“I….. I was stupid Merly”, she said. “Everything has become too much all of a sudden”.
“It’s alright now”, he replied kindly, “and we’ll soon get you sorted out”. He leant over to her ear, “ First, though, let’s get to a chemist shall we?”, he added quietly.
“Can I have my phone back?”, she asked. “I’ll delete him”.